We’re so excited you’ve received your Focus³ Habitats Hatchling Hangar!

The Hatchling Hangar is designed with the breeder in mind. Throughout our extensive testing, we’ve developed several key features to create the most stable environment possible through the use of a variety of baffles, an air diffusing front panel, individual heat tape zones, and integrated ceiling ventilation. Every room is different and some setup and tweaking can still be necessary to fit your climate with your species’ temperature and humidity needs. Room ambient temperature and air circulation within the room can all have an effect on max temperature and stability between tub performance. Heat tape must be used with a thermostat, and as per manufacturer’s instructions never allow the heat tape to exceed 105 degrees. These heated units are designed to work in average home temperatures of 72 degrees or more.

This unit is equipped with three strips of heat tape and three probe clips. The tape must be used with a dimming thermostat, we personally use the Herpstat brand. You can place your thermostat probe(s) through the roof or Control Bridge probe hole in the rear right & left corners to the clips supplied on level 3. For a single probe control application with the three heat tape plugs linked via an adapter place your probe in the center position. Three probe clips are installed on level 3 if individual tape control is used.

Let the Hangar run for at least 24 hours with tubs installed to stabilize without the animal(s). Once your thermostat is set accordingly you can begin measuring and confirming your preferred temperatures. Your thermostat will need to be set higher than your preferred temperature as these are rear heat units with no tub/tape contact. Do not rely on the thermostat’s temperature setting alone to measure your desired temperature. Pulling tubs in and out frequently without allowing the interior air to stabilize can alter temperature readings.

It is recommended to use a laser temp gun as well as Govee or SensorPush thermometer & hydrometer combo to measure spot temperatures within the tub. They both can be used with an app on your phone to read temperatures & humidity without having to open the tub. Measure the temperature with your laser temp gun physically near the area you want to measure (about an inch or so) to make sure the temp gun is not reading or reflecting on something else around or behind the area. The heating tape element will also be warmer than the ambient temperatures. Please refer to your thermostat’s manual for proper setup to reach your desired settings.

Some thermostats do generate a lot of heat, if you notice a tub directly below your thermostat with a higher temperature you may need to space your thermostat up or place it on the roof of the unit away from the tubs.

These Hatchling Hangar units are designed with maximum humidity retention in mind for a wide variety of climates. These tubs are thin and easily drilled to add additional ventilation if wanted or needed in your particular climate.

Heat tape must be used with a thermostat, and as per manufacturer’s instructions never allow the heat tape to exceed 105 degrees. These heated units are designed to work in average home temperatures of 72 degrees or more. Your home’s ambient temperature, humidity, and airflow play a role in your enclosure’s thermostat settings and humidity needs.